Business Value Creation with IT (BVC)
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
February 21, 2025
Intelligence is the ability to accomplish complex goals, learn, reason, and adaptively perform effective actions within an environment. Gottfredson (1997)
Or short: acquire and apply knowledge.
Human intelligence “covers the capacity to learn, reason, and adaptively perform effective actions within an environment, based on existing knowledge. This allows humans to adapt to changing environments and act towards achieving their goals.” Dellermann et al. (2019, 632)
Sternberg et al. (1985) proposes three distinctive dimensions:
Collective intelligence refers to “[…] groups of individuals acting collectively in ways that seem intelligent.” Malone (2015, 3)
The concept implies that, under certain conditions, a (large) group of average, homogeneous individuals can outperform any individual of the group or even a single expert (Leimeister 2010).
Originally, research studies how groups of people act and think “as a whole”, e.g. using various coordination and decision-making mechanisms.
Today, research increasingly focuses on hybrid collective intelligence to explore how of heterogeneous agents (i.e., humans and machines) can be connected so that they combine their complementary intelligence and act more intelligently (Malone 2015).
The term artificial intelligence is used to describe systems that perform “[…] activities that we associate with human thinking, activities such as decision-making, problem solving, learning […]” Bellman (1978, 3)
The basic idea behind this concept is that systems becomes capable of analyzing their environment and adapting to new circumstances in this environment.
AI can be defined as “[…] the art of creating machines that perform functions that require intelligence when performed by people […]” Kurzweil et al. (1990, 580:117)
Or in short: to replicate the human mind.
The idea is to combine the complementary capabilities of humans and computers to augment each other. Dellermann et al. (2019)
Hybrid intelligence is defined as the ability to achieve complex goals by combining human and artificial intelligence, thereby reaching superior results to those each of them could have accomplished separately, and continuously improve by learning from each other. Dellermann et al. (2019, 640)
Main characteristics of hybrid intelligence are:
According to Peeters et al. (2021) following conclusions can be drawn:
Peeters et al. (2021) see following evidence that support a hybrid intelligence perspective:
Different types of explanations serve different needs:
Bauer, Zahn, and Hinz (2023) show that AI systems that provide explanations (XAI) in addition to predictions 5 may
A focus on the explanation as well as increased decision variance can substantially contribute to errors and ultimately harm business performance (see e.g., Kahneman, Sibony, and Sunstein (2021).
What examples do come to your mind?
Observability means that an actor should make its status, its knowledge of the team, task, and environment observable to others.
Predictability means that an actor should behave predictably such that others can rely on them when considering their own actions.
Directability means that actors should have the opportunity to (re-)direct each other’s behavior.
Explainability means that agents should be capable of explaining their behavior to others
Will become a regulatory standard and many domains
A phenomenon called confirmation bias