Business Value Creation with IT (BVC)
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
March 4, 2025
Let’s define some core terms.
IT resources are the foundational technological components that organizations leverage.
These include:
To create IT-enabled resources organizations need to integrate IT assets, IT capabilities and complementary organizational resources in a way that they create synergies.
Now what’s the difference between IT asset and a digital asset?
The resource-based view supports that firms may achieve a competitive advantage based on their bundles of resources and capabilities (Peteraf, Di Stefano, and Verona 2013; Wade and Hulland 2004).
The dynamic capabilities (DC) view argues that firms have to evolve their resource and capability base in order to ensure a sustained competitive advantage (Peteraf, Di Stefano, and Verona 2013) — two types of resources:
DCs represent an organization’s ability to purposefully create, extend, or modify its resource base to address rapidly changing environments (Teece 2014).
How can value created with IT (including AI) be defined?
Value created by IT is—in a business context—usually referred to as IT/IS business value.
IS business value is the impact of investments in particular IS assets on the multidimensional performance and capabilities of economic entities at various levels, complemented by the ultimate meaning of performance in the economic environment. Schryen (2013, 141)
The ultimate meaning of performance refers to what is subsequently derived if the outcome is exploited, e.g.