Administrivia 🧐

πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬ DI in Industry (DIiI)

Andy Weeger

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

February 13, 2024

General remarks

Traditional lectures
+ many guest speakers
+ individual research
+ continuous feedback


This course offers you the possibility to learn about industry-specific challenges and how this influences the way of organizing, managing and communicating digital innovations, in particular:

  • Specifics of industries (context, products, markets, obstacles, enablers)
  • Industry-specific applicability and adaptations of innovation strategies
  • Methods for discovering need finding, ideation and prototyping of digital innovations
  • Case studies of digital innovation in industries
  • Theories that explain the mechanisms of digital innovations

Learning objectives

During this course, you should advance your skills in the following areas:

  • Knowledge of various industries and their special characteristics
  • Understanding of the specifics of managing digital innovations in these industries
  • Knowledge of theoretical models that help to explain and manage these innovations
  • Ability to analyze specificities and complexities of different industries
  • Capacity to adapt digital innovation management methods and tools accordingly
  • Ability to clearly communicate conclusions and the underlying rationale
  • Ability to evaluate new information and to question existing assumptions
  • Expertise to develop independent contributions to practical and theoretical discourse


You will gain 5 ECTS for this course. This equals approx. 150 hours workload, of which you need most to pass the course.

  • Classes (approx. 40 hours)
  • Preparation for the live sessions (about 6 hours)
  • Case research and writing (many hours)

Please prepare your schedule accordingly.


The grade is based on the evaluation of the written case study (see assignment).

Interim presentations are mandatory but will not be graded individually.


Date Topic Preparation
21.03.2024 Administrivia & introduction -
28.03.2024 GEA β€” digital twin of a customer guest speech (bonus: digital twin) -
04.04.2024 Interim presentation & coaching: ideas Presentation
11.04.2024 Deutsche Bank β€” DB and its operating model for finance guest speech (bonus: agility) -
18.04.2024 Predori β€” how to do patent research more efficiently? guest speech -
25.04.2024 Excursion week (no lecture) -
02.05.2024 Interim presentation & coaching: industry & company Presentation
09.05.2024 Ascension Day (no lecture) -
16.05.2024 AWS – the imperatives of customer-centric innovation guest speech (bonus: platform) -
06.06.2024 Wieland β€” towards net zero guest speech (bonus: IT business value, adoption and use) -
13.06.2024 Interim presentation & coaching: problem, approach & solution Presentation
20.06.2024 Alumni talk β€” driving innovation in a mid-sized company guest speech + THE YES case Reading1
27.06.2024 Interim presentation & coaching: discussion Presentation
04.07.2024 Adesso β€” augmented-, virtual- und hyperreality (bonus: ar) guest speech -
05.07.2024 Deadline case study Assignment
Table 1: Schedule summer term 2024 (may be subjected to changes)



Avery, Jill, Ayelet Israeli, and Emma Maur. 2021. β€œTHE YES: Reimagining the Future of e-Commerce with Artificial Intelligence (AI.” In Harvard Business School Case.


  1. Avery, Israeli, and Maur (2021), see Moodle