DI in Industry (DIiI)
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
March 11, 2025
Digital technologies have lowered the cost of producing and disseminating knowledge.
This induces four key changes in innovation practices and outcomes across industries (OECD 2019):
How does data change innovation practices and outcomes?
Data from a variety of sources (e.g., consumer behavior, business processes, research) are a key driver of innovation.
Digital technologies are leading to a blurring of the boundaries between services and manufacturing
How can digital technologies accelerate innovation cycles?
Digital technologies offer new opportunities to experimentation and version and thus allow accelerating innovation cycles.
Innovation ecosystems are becoming more and more open and diverse.
Since industries significantly differ in their products and processes, their structures, and in how they engage in innovation, the approaches and outcomes to digital innovation are unlikely to be the same.
According to OECD (2019, 42ff) three main dimensions shape the differences:
Depending on the sectorial characteristics, digital technologies may offer different opportunities for
Why do opportunities to create digitalized products and services differ between sectors?
Digital technologies offer opportunities for
In some cases/sectors new business models largely displace incumbent ones (e.g., online booking platforms)
In other sectors they may co-exist (e.g., combined brick-and-mortar and online shopping experiences)
Let’s look at three distinct sectors and how digital innovation is changing these.
Digital innovations in the agri-food sector focus on production processes and supply chain management (OECD 2019, 44).
Digital innovations are completely reshaping the automotive sector including the products, production, and business models.
In the field of retail, digital innovations aim at enhancing the consumer experience and optimizing processes.
Why does the diffusion of digital innovations vary between sectors?
The level of digital technology adoption varies across sectors (Calvino et al. 2018).
Differences in adoption rates stem from variances in sectors’ capabilities and incentives to adopt new technologies (Andrews, Nicoletti, and Timiliotis 2018).
Key factors influencing adoption include
Chose two sectors/industries you are interested in, research their characteristics and opportunities for digital innovation and identify interesting innovations.
The key to getting beyond the enthusiasts and winning over a visionary is to show that the new technology enables some strategic leap forward, something never before possible, which has an intrinsic value and appeal to the nontechnologist. Geoffrey Moore, American organizational theorist, management consultant, and author
Successful innovations …
Besides competency-based, customer focused and externally-oriented approaches, managers can also take a data-oriented approach to systematically tackle business innovation.
Rashik Parmar et al. (2014) identified five distinct patterns that answer following question:
How can we create value for customers using data and analytic tools?
Because of advances in sensors, wireless communications, and big data, it is now feasible to gather and crunch enormous amounts of data.
Those data can be used to improve the design, operation, maintenance, and repair of assets or to enhance how an activity is carried out.
Examples: SKF’s intelligent bearings, “pay-as-you-life” insurances
Over the past two decades, the digitization of music, books, and videos has turned the entertainment industry on its head, introducing new models such as music and video streaming.
Digitization has typically reduced distribution costs, making the ability to efficiently transport physical inventory or secure low-cost warehouse locations less relevant.
Also regarding the operation of the digital services, company can realize economies of scale and decrease time-to-market by moving the business to the cloud.
Examples: Disney Plus, 3D printed spare parts.
Data across supply chains and allied industries has been uncoordinated.
Big data, along with new IT standards and APIs allow enhanced data integration.
This enables coordination across industries or sectors in new ways.
Examples: smart cities, integrated supply chains, electronic health record.
The ability to combine disparate data sets allows companies to develop a variety of new offerings for adjacent businesses.
Seemingly useless data could be a gold mine for some other business.
Data marketplaces facilitate the exchange of data.
Examples: Quandl
Companies that have perfected their business processes and systems can standardize them and sell them to other parties.
Cloud computing has put such opportunities within close reach, as it allows companies to easily distribute software, simplify version control, and offer customers “pay as you go” pricing.
Examples: AWS, Trumpf XETICS Lean
Kavadias, Ladas, and Loch (2016) identified six features that characterize successful innovation, which link a recognized technology trend and a recognized market trend.
Read the paper, understand the trends and features and link them to the industries you are interested in.