Administrivia 🧐

Digital Leadership (DL)

Andy Weeger

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

February 14, 2024


General remarks

You will deepen your understanding of leadership in the digital age.

You will

  • read papers to get a theoretical foundation,
  • apply findings in exercises,
  • pesearch and reflect on a leader, and
  • present your findings


We touch base on following topics to increase understanding of challenges in different leadership roles and situations and to get to know tools to deal with these:

Specifics of leading in the digital age, basics of leadership, theories and theoretical concepts, and digital leadership tools

Learning objectives

During this course, you should improve your ability to consciously use, reflect on and further develop your leadership skills in your day-to-day work, in particular with regard to

  • leadership requirements in the context of digital transformation,
  • identification of and reflection on challenges and opportunities in your own leadership role,
  • understanding of the facets of different personality types,
  • basic understanding of characteristics of sustainable organizational systems, and
  • lead hierarchically and laterally using digital leadership tools.


You will gain 5 ECTS for this course. This equals approx. 150 hours workload, of which you need most to pass the course.

  • Classes (approx. 30 hours)
  • Preparation and follow-up (approx. 10 hours)
  • Preparation of the presentation (remaining time)

Please prepare your schedule accordingly.


Date Topic Preparation
21.03.2024 Administrivia & digital leadership (digital age) -
28.03.2024 Leader characteristics (personality) Reading1
04.04.2024 Leadership paradoxes (behavioral complexity) Reading2
05.04.2024 Deadline leader shortlist Shortlist
10.04.2024 Announcement assignment of leaders -
11.04.2024 Leadership behavior (path-goal theory) Reading3
18.04.2024 Coaching (assignment) Draft, questions
25.05.2024 Excursion week (no lecture) Questions
02.05.2024 Workshop: storytelling4 -
09.05.2024 Ascension Day (no lecture) -
16.05.2024 Power dynamics (social capital theory) Reading5
02.06.2024 Deadline upload presentation slides Slides
03.06.2024 Announcement of presentation schedule
06.06.2024 Student presentations — session #1 -
13.06.2024 Student presentations — session #2 -
20.06.2024 Student presentations — session #3 -
27.06.2024 Student presentations — session #4 + cell structure design -
04.07.2024 Workshop: retrospective6. -
Table 1: Schedule summer term 2024 (may be subjected to changes)


House, Robert J. 1996. “Path-Goal Theory of Leadership: Lessons, Legacy, and a Reformulated Theory.” The Leadership Quarterly 7 (3): 323–52.
Judge, Timothy A, Joyce E Bono, Remus Ilies, and Megan W Gerhardt. 2002. “Personality and Leadership: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review.” Journal of Applied Psychology 87 (4): 765.
Karahanna, Elena, and David S Preston. 2013. “The Effect of Social Capital of the Relationship Between the CIO and Top Management Team on Firm Performance.” Journal of Management Information Systems 30 (1): 15–56.
Lavine, Marc. 2014. “Paradoxical Leadership and the Competing Values Framework.” The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 50 (2): 189–205.
Nahapiet, Janine, and Sumantra Ghoshal. 1998. “Social Capital, Intellectual Capital, and the Organizational Advantage.” Academy of Management Review 23 (2): 242–66.


  1. Judge et al. (2002), see Moodle

  2. Lavine (2014), see Moodle

  3. House (1996), see Moodle

  4. InnovationSpace, Creative 2

  5. Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998) and (optionally) Karahanna and Preston (2013), see Moodle

  6. InnovationSpace, Creative 2