Administrivia 🧐

Future Technologies & Media (FTM)

Andy Weeger

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

March 13, 2024


What to you expect from this course?

General remarks

In this course you will dive into key emerging technologies, get to know their key characteristics and fields of application as well as important ethical considerations related to their implementation and use.

Learning objectives

During this course, you should advance your skills in the following areas:

  • understanding of the key characteristics of emerging technologies in general, the process and phases of technology emergence, as well as specific characteristics of emerging information technologies/digital technologies,
  • knowledge of fields of application of current merging digital technologies, their impact on (information) systems used by individuals, organizations, and society, as well as media
  • understanding of potentials and risks for individuals, economies and societies,
  • communication of conclusions and the underlying knowledge,
  • and social and ethical responsibilities in uncertain and ambiguous contexts.


≈ 150 h workload
≈ 50 h classes
+ 100 h self learning

It is very important that you reserve enough time to attend the classes AND prepare your presentation (see Table 1 for details).


Graded will be your analysis of a future technology, its characteristics and implications as well as your ability do discuss those.


Date Topic Preparation
02.04.2024 Administrivia & introduction -
23.04.2024 Excursion week (no lecture) -
21.04.2024 Deadline: Topic proposals Topic shortlist
30.04.2024 H1 Multimodality and immersion Suh and Prophet (2018)
30.04.2024 Final assignment of topics
07.05.2024 H2 Intelligence and affection Dellermann et al. (2019)
04.06.2024 H3 Interconnectedness and distributivity Podcast1
04.06.2024 Catch-up and individual coachings
11.06.2024 H4 Mobility and ubiquity Reading, tbd
17.06.2024 Deadline: Slides Slide deck
18.06.2024 Student presentations #1 Presentation
25.06.2024 Student presentations #2 Presentation
02.07.2024 Student presentations #3 Presentation
Table 1: Schedule summer term 2024 (may be subjected to changes)



Dellermann, Dominik, Philipp Ebel, Matthias Söllner, and Jan Marco Leimeister. 2019. “Hybrid Intelligence.” Business & Information Systems Engineering 61: 637–43.
Suh, Ayoung, and Jane Prophet. 2018. “The State of Immersive Technology Research: A Literature Analysis.” Computers in Human Behavior 86: 77–90.


  1. Decoder podcast: Google CEO Sundar Pichai on AI-powered search and the future of the web; episode can be found on every major podcast platform or here