Future Technologies & Media (FTM)
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
February 21, 2025
You need to analyse an emerging digital technology, its characteristics, use and implications.
You can make proposals on the topic you want to work for (deadline see schedule). However, the final assignment will be made by me.
You need to do present
You can include grey literature1, but you need to analyze at least five (5) scientific papers.
You need to prepare and hold a presentation of min 15 to max 17 minutes and to discuss your insights in a Q&A.
The presentation of your findings (15-17 min., 70%)
+ the discussion (~ 8 min., 20%)
+ your contributions to other presentations (10%).
An excellent presentation has the following characteristics.
And excellent discussion has the following characteristics.
The remaining 10% of the grade depends on how you engage in the discussion of other presentations.
Grade | Meaning |
1 — very good |
A truly outstanding achievement that (not only) shows no deficiencies in the criteria mentioned, but also gives both the supervisor and external assessors an excellent impression. |
2 — good |
Work that exceeds the average requirements/performance and is easily recognizable and presentable to the outside world as a “good performance”. |
Note | 2.5 is the average of passed assessments, i.e., an “average performance” |
3 — satisfactory |
A performance that achieves the desired goal “to a satisfactory extent”; however, deficiencies can be identified here and there. |
4 — sufficient |
A performance that “still adequately satisfies” the requirements, but deviates from the expectations placed on it in several ways. |
5 — not sufficient |
A performance that does not meet several of the criteria mentioned. |
In your presentation, you need to consider at least five scientific papers.
Grey literature includes usually not peer-reviewed material such as white papers, books, web-sources, etc.
The question needs to go beyond basic clarification and need to how deeper understanding; the question or comment encourages further discussion or analysis
For a more balanced discussion of quality indicators of papers see e.g., Fitzgerald et al. (2019)