Future Technologies & Media (FTM)
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
February 21, 2025
Emerging information technologies enable multimodal and immersive systems.
Multimodality refers to the use of multiple modes of communication to to create meaning.
Multimodality implies that the use of several means of communication contributes to a better overall understanding of a message.
Immersion refers to the state of being deeply engaged, absorbed, or submerged in an environment, either physically or mentally.
Immersion implies that the consciousness of the immersed person is detached from their physical self. Immersiveness is the quality or degree of being immersive.
Stimuli that determine the immersiveness of environments created by technology are multimodal.
Visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and interactive.
Emerging information technologies enable intelligent and affective systems.
What do we mean
by intelligence?
Provide a description that outlines what intelligence could mean.
Take 5 minutes to reflect in small groups.
Human intelligence “covers the capacity to learn, reason, and adaptively perform effective actions within an environment, based on existing knowledge. This allows humans to adapt to changing environments and act towards achieving their goals.” Dellermann et al. (2019, 632)
Sternberg et al. (1985) proposes three distinctive dimensions:
‘AI system’ means a machine-based systems designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it received, how to generate output such as content, predictions, recommendations, or decisions, that can influence physical or virtual environment (European Commission 2024).
Based on this definition, three main properties of intelligent agents can be distinguished:
When designing an intelligent system, the task environment (i.e., the problem) must be specified as fully as possible, including
Thep performance measure
the environment,
the actuators,
and the sensors
Russel and Norvig (2022) call the task environment PEAS.
Task environments can be categorized along following dimensions (Russel and Norvig 2022, 62–64):
Describe the task environment of a chess player and a autonomous car.
Form small groups, take 15 minutes for this exercise and prepare yourself to present your findings.
A cognitive ability is an ability that requires to process mental information (Carroll 1993).
It refers to the skills involved in performing tasks associated with perception, understanding, reasoning, judgment, and language.
There are four types of cognitive abilities:
Attention, memory, logic and reasoning, auditory and visual processing.
Describe the basic cognitive abilities of an autonomous car.
Form small groups, take 10 minutes for this exercise.
Prepare yourself to present your findings.
To realize complex behavior, the components of an intelligent system (i.e., perception, deliberation, action control and interaction) must have following properties (to some extent):
A rational agent is one that does the right thing.
For each possible percept sequence, a rational agent should select an action that is expected to maximize its performance measure, given the evidence provided by the percept sequence and whatever built-in knowledge the agent has (Russel and Norvig 2022, 58).
It can be quite hard to formulate a performance measure correctly, however:
If we use, to achieve our purposes, a mechanical agency with those operation we cannot interfere once we have started it […] we had better be quite sure that the purpose built into the machine is the purpose which we really desire (Wiener 1960, 1358)
Under which circumstances does a vacuum cleaning agent act rational?
Rationality != perfection
Learning agents are those that can improve their behavior through diligent study of past experiences and predictions of the future Russel and Norvig (2022, 668)
A learning agent
Supervised learning
Involves learning a function from examples ➞ test and training data
Unsupervised learning
The agent has to learn patterns in the input ➞ identification of categories or classifications
Reinforcement learning
The agent must learn from punishments or rewards ➞ learning by trial and error
Introspection refers to the capabilitiy to analyze one’s cognitive abilities.
The system uses an observable model of its own abilities.
This model is used to simulate self-awareness processes.
Introspection allows the system …
The properties of an intelligent system are
Capacity to work in a
complex environment
Interaction with the environment and other agents
Cognitive abilities
Perception, action control, deliberation, and interaction
Complex behavior
Acting rationally, adaptation through learning, and introspection
Select an intelligent system and analyse it using the properties outlined here.
Form small group and take 20 minutes to work on a comprehensive analysis.
Prepare a short presentation and prepare yourself to perform it.
Computing that relates to, arises from or deliberately influences emotion.
Assigning systems “the human-like capabilities of observation, interpretation and generation of affect features4” (Tao and Tan 2005, 981)
The goal is to simulate empathy — that affective systems can interpret the emotional states of humans and adapt their behavior to them, giving an appropriate response for those emotions (i.e., emotion aware systems).
Emotion recognition
Interpreting the emotional states of humans
Emotion expresssion
Ability to simulate human affects (e.g. ‘emotional modality’)
Adequate response to emotion
Linking emotion recognition and expression e.g., to reinforce the meaning of messages
Facial expression, posture, speech, force or rhythm of key stroke, temperature change (e.g., hand on mouse) can signify changes in user’s emotional state.
These can be detected and interpreted by an affective system.
Affective systems can use some of these to simulate emoptions.
Ekman et al. (1987) categorized emotions into 6 groups:
Fear, surprise, disgust, anger, happiness, and sadness
All of these can facially expressed.
Search for real-life use cases for affective computing.
Form small group and take 15 minutes for your research.
Prepare a short presentation of a use case and the technologies that enable it.
Relate them to the basic properties of affective systems.
Argue why affective computing is effective in this use case.
Form small groups and synthesize your findings from reading Dellermann et al. (2019) by findings answers to following questions:
Take 15 minutes to synthesize your findings and to create a short presentation.
The idea is to combine the complementary capabilities of humans and computers to augment each other.
Human intelligence
Flexibility & transfer
Empathy & creativity
Common sense
Artificial intelligence
Pattern recognition
Speed & efficiency
Hybrid intelligence is defined as the ability to achieve complex goals by combining human and artificial intelligence, thereby reaching superior results to those each of them could have accomplished separately, and continuously improve by learning from each other. Dellermann et al. (2019, 640)
Main characteristics of hybrid intelligence are:
Peeters et al. (2021) see following evidence that support a hybrid intelligence perspective:
According to Peeters et al. (2021) following conclusions can be drawn:
What examples do come to your mind?
Bauer, Zahn, and Hinz (2023) show that AI systems that provide explanations (XAI) in addition to predictions 9 may
A focus on the explanation as well as increased decision variance can substantially contribute to errors and ultimately harm business performance (see e.g., Kahneman, Sibony, and Sunstein (2021).
The capacity to work in a complex environment is described as agency
Cognitive abilities are, for instance, perception and language
Intelligent behavior is reflected, for instance, by rationality and learning
”Affect” is basically a synonym for emotion.
Observability means that an actor should make its status, its knowledge of the team, task, and environment observable to others.
Predictability means that an actor should behave predictably such that others can rely on them when considering their own actions.
Directability means that actors should have the opportunity to (re-)direct each other’s behavior.
Explainability means that agents should be capable of explaining their behavior to others
Will become a regulatory standard and many domains
A phenomenon called confirmation bias