🧠 Introduction to AI
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
February 13, 2024
Learning agents are those that can improve their behavior through diligent study of past experiences and predictions of the future Russel and Norvig (2022, 668)
A learning agent
Performance element: Processes percepts and chooses actions (relates to the basics of AI we have studied so far)
Learning element: Carries out improvements. Requires awareness and feedback on how the agent is doing in the environment
Critic: Evaluation of the agent’s behavior based on a given external behavioral measure (i.e., feedback)
Problem generator: Suggests explorative actions that lead the agent to new experiences
The design of the learning element is influenced by four important aspects:
The type of feedback available for learning is usually the most important factor in determining the nature of the learning problem.
How can we be sure that our learned hypothesis will predict well for previously unseen inputs? I.e., how do we know that the hypothesis \(h\) is close to the target function \(f\) when \(f\) is unknown?
The underlying principle of computational learning theory is, that any hypothesis that is seriously wrong will almost certainly be “found out” with high probability after a small number of examples
Thus, any hypothesis that is consistent with a sufficiently large set of training examples is unlikely to be seriously wrong: that is, it must be probably approximately correct (PAC)
The task of learning is to find good hypotheses about the world.
How do we choose from among multiple consistent hypotheses?
Ockham’s razor: prefer the simplest hypothesis that matches the data
For plots of best-fit functions (h) from four different hypothesis spaces (H) trained on a data set (a = linear; b = degree-7 polynomial, c = degree-6 polynomial, d = sinusoidal)
A decision tree is a representation of a function that maps a vector of attribute values to a single output value—a “decision”.
Search is used to find a decision (i.e., performing a sequence of tests).
In Boolean decision trees, the input is a set of vector of input attributes X and a single Boolean output value y
Learning process: Definition of the goal predicate in the form of a decision tree.
A Boolean decision tree is equivalent to a logical statement of the form
\[ \begin{flalign} Output \iff (Path_1 \lor Path_2 \lor ...) \end{flalign} \]
where each \(Path_i\) is a conjunction of the form \((A_m = v_x \; \land \; A_n = v_y \; \land \; ...)\) of attribute-value tests corresponding to a path from the root to a \(true\) leaf.
Any function in propositional logic can be represented by a decision tree by translating every row of a truth table to a path in the tree.
This can lead to a tree whose size is exponential in the number of attributes.
Although decision trees can represent functions with smaller trees, there are functions that require an exponentially large decision tree, e.g.
Summary: decision trees are good for some kinds of functions and bad for others.
Supervised learning problem of deciding whether to wait for a table at a restaurant (Russel and Norvig 2022, 668)
The output (y) is a Boolean variable WillWait
The input (x) is a vector of ten attributes values (discrete values):
Example | Alt | Bar | Fri | Hun | Pat | Price | Rain | Res | Type | Est | WillWait |
\(x_1\) | Yes | No | No | Yes | Some | €€€ | No | Yes | French | 0-10 | \(y_1 =\) Yes |
\(x_2\) | Yes | No | No | Yes | Full | € | No | No | Thai | 30-60 | \(y_2 =\) No |
\(x_3\) | No | Yes | No | No | Some | € | No | No | Burger | 0-10 | \(y_3 =\) Yes |
\(x_4\) | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Full | € | Yes | No | Thai | 10-30 | \(y_4 =\) Yes |
\(x_5\) | Yes | No | Yes | No | Full | €€€ | No | Yes | French | >60 | \(y_5 =\) No |
\(x_6\) | No | es | No | Yes | Some | €€ | Yes | Yes | Italian | 0-10 | \(y_6 =\) Yes |
\(x_7\) | No | Yes | No | No | None | € | Yes | No | Burger | 0-10 | \(y_7 =\) No |
\(x_8\) | No | No | No | Yes | Some | €€ | Yes | Yes | Thai | 0-10 | \(y_8 =\) Yes |
\(x_9\) | No | Yes | Yes | No | Full | € | Yes | No | Burger | >60 | \(y_9 =\) No |
\(x_{10}\) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Full | €€€ | No | Yes | Italian | 10-30 | \(y_{10}=\) No |
\(x_{11}\) | No | No | No | No | None | € | No | No | Thai | 0-10 | \(y_{11} =\) No |
\(x_{12}\) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Full | € | No | No | Burger | 30-60 | \(y_{12} =\) Yes |
To get a naive solution, we simply construct a tree with one path to a leaf for each example.
How to find a tree that is consistent with the training set (Table 1), yet as small as possible?
Always use the most important attribute first, then recursively solve the smaller subproblems
That way, we hope to get to the correct classification with a small number of tests3
In each recursive step there are four cases to consider:
Properties of the learning outcome:
To assess the power of the prediction, the following method can be applied:
As the training set grows, the prediction quality increases
Pruning reduces the size of decision trees by removing sections of the tree that are non-critical and redundant to classify instances.
As discussed in chapter probability, probability and utility theory allow agents to deal with uncertainty
To apply probabilistic reasoning, however, the agents must first learn their probabilistic theories of the world from experience
We will discuss statistical learning methods as robust ways to learn probabilistic models
Learning can be viewed as Bayesian updating of a probability distribution over the hypothesis space
\(H\) is the hypothesis variable, values \(h_1, h_2, . . .\), prior \(P(H)\)
\(j\)th observation of \(d_j\) gives the outcome of random variable \(D_j\)
training data \(d = d_1,..., d_N\)
Given the data so far, each hypothesis has a posterior probability:
\[ \begin{flalign} P(h_i|d) = \alpha P(d|h_i)P(h_i) \end{flalign} \]
where \(P(d|h_i)\) is called the likelihood
Predictions use a likelihood-weighted average over the hypotheses:
\[ \begin{flalign} P(H|d) = \sum_i{P(H|d,h_i)P(h_i|d)} = \sum_i{P(H|h_i)P(h_i|d)} \end{flalign} \]
Suppose there are five kinds of bags of candies:
Then we draw 5 candies from some bag (\(d_1,...,d_10\)), which are all lime candies.
What kind of bag is it?
What flavor will the next candy be?
\(P(h_k|d) = αP(d|h_k)P(h_k)\)
\(P(h1 | 5\;limes) = αP(5\;limes | h1)P(h1) = \alpha · 0.0^5 · 0.1 = 0\) \(P(h2 | 5\;limes) = αP(5\;limes | h2)P(h2) = \alpha · 0.25^5· 0.2 = 0.000195α\) \(P(h3 | 5\;limes) = αP(5\;limes | h3)P(h3) = \alpha · 0.5^5 · 0.4 = 0.0125α\) \(P(h4 | 5\;limes) = αP(5\;limes | h4)P(h4) = \alpha · 0.75^5 · 0.2 = 0.0475α\) \(P(h5 | 5\;limes) = αP(5\;limes | h5)P(h5) = \alpha · 1.0^5 · 0.1 = 0.1α\)
\(\alpha = 1/(0 + 0.000195 + 0.0125 + 0.0475 + 0.1) = 6.2424\)
\(P(h_1 | 5\;limes) = 0\)
\(P(h_2 | 5\;limes) = 0.00122\)
\(P(h_3 | 5\;limes) = 0.07803\)
\(P(h_4 | 5\;limes) = 0.29650\)
\(P(h_5 | 5\;limes) = 0.62424\)
The posterior probabilties change the more evidence we gain.
Let’s calculate the probabilit that we draw a lime on our 6th attempt given the data we have (types of bags and observations made).
\[ \begin{flalign} P(d_{j+1}|d) = \sum_k{P(d_{j+1}|d,h_k)P(h_k|X)} = \sum_k{P(d_{j+1}|h_k)P(h_k|d)} \end{flalign} \] \[ \begin{align} P(lime \; on \; 6 | 5 \; limes) & = P(lime \; on \; 6 | h1)P(h1 | 5 \; limes) \\ & + P(lime \; on \; 6 | h2)P(h2 | 5 \; limes) \\ & + P(lime \; on \; 6 | h3)P(h3 | 5 \; limes) \\ & + P(lime \; on \; 6 | h4)P(h4 | 5 \; limes) \\ & + P(lime \; on \; 6 | h5)P(h5 | 5 \; limes) \\ & = 0 × 0 \\ & + 0.25 × 0.00122 \\ & + 0.5 × 0.07830 \\ & + 0.75 × 0.29650 \\ & + 1.0 × 0.62424 \\ & = 0.88607 \\ \end{align} \]
The Bayesian prediction eventually agrees with the true hypothesis
However, summing over the hypothesis space is often intractable
➞ Real problems require us to resort to approximate or simplified methods
Summing over the hypothesis space is often intractable (e.g., 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 Boolean functions of 6 attributes).
A common approximation is to make predictions based on a single most probable hypothesis.
For large data sets, prior becomes irrelevant.
Maximum likelihood (ML) learning8 means, thus, to choose \(h_{ML}\) maximizing \(P(d|h_i)\).
\[ \begin{flalign} P(h_i|d) = \frac{P(d|h_i)P(h_i)}{P(d)} \approx P(d|h_i)P(h_i) \approx P(d|h_{MAP}) \end{flalign} \]
We don’t need to directly calculate \(P(d)\) (i.e., the evidence term) for finding the MAP estimate as \(P(d)\) acts like a constant and does not affect which value maximizes the posterior probability.
MAP learning aims to find the value that maximizes the product of likelihood (\(P(d|h_i)\)) and prior probability (\(P(h_i)\)).
As more data arrive, MAP and Bayesian predictions become closer
➞ Finding MAP hypotheses is often much easier than Bayesian learning9
Usually specialized machine learning algorithms handle the complex calculations behind finding the MAP estimate.
Conventional machine-learning techniques as those discussed above are limited in their ability to process natural data in their raw form.
Careful engineering and considerable domain expertise are required to transform the raw data into a suitable internal representation from which the learning system could detect or classify patterns in some input.
In representation learning the system uses methods to automatically discover the representations needed for detection or classification.
Deep-learning methods creates multiple levels of representation by transforming the representation at one level (starting with the raw input) into a representation at a higher, slightly more abstract level.
With the composition of enough such transformations, very complex functions can be learned.
The key aspect of deep learning is that the levels of representations (i.e., layers of features) are not designed by human engineers: they are learned from data using a general-purpose learning procedure.
Example: object detection in images
Deep learning methods can discover intricate structures in high-dimensional data.
Using this capability, deep learning is making major advances in solving problems that could not have been solved before (LeCun, Bengio, and Hinton (2015)), e.g.,
A convolutional neural network (ConvNet) is a specific kind of neural network with multiple layers,designed to process data that come in the form of multiple arrays10
The role of the ConvNet is to reduce the arrays into a form which is easier to process, without losing features which are critical for getting a good prediction.
A ConvNet is structured as a series of stages, which are composed of two types of layers: convolutional layers and pooling layers.
We are still in the early stages of defining a methodology for machine learning projects; the tools and processes are not as well developed as in software engineering
Russel and Norvig (2022, 722ff) propose a process that involves following typical steps
Figuring out what problem you want to solve compromises three parts:
Real data are messy
ML needs data, a lot of data, of which at least a subset is labeled
Manufacturing these data can be done by own labor or by crowdsourcing (paid, volunteers, users); one might also start with publicly available general-purpose dataset (or a model that has been pretrained) and then add specific data
Maintain a data provenance for all data (i.e., for each columns of your data set, you should know the exact definition, where the data come from, what the possible values are, and who has worked on it)
When data are limited, data augmentation can help (i.e., creating multiple versions of each image by rotating, translating, cropping, or scaling each image, or by changing brightness or color balancing or adding noise)
After correcting overt errors, the data should be preprocessed so that they can be handled more easily
At the end of the day, some machine learning projects succeed and some fail. What makes the difference? Easily the most important factor is the features used. Domingos (2012)
Before starting with building a model, you might start with getting an intuitive feel for the data (e.g., by means of exploratory data analysis)
There is no guaranteed way to pick the best model class, but there are some rough guidelines:
Do what worked well in similar past problems—and search: run experiments with multiple possible models
Doing well with test data is a necessary but not sufficient condition for trust in the model (by you and your stakeholders), it also requires
After the model is deployed to the users, additional challenges will arise
Consider following problems:
Discuss following questions:
Describe the differences between supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
In your own words, explain to us what Ockham’s razor is. Find an example that you can use to enrich your explanation of the concept.
Define the following machine-learning terms in your own words
Draw a decision tree for the problem of deciding whether to move forward at a road intersection, given that the light has just turned green.
What problems do you see? Argue based on the qualification problem discussed in chapter probability.
Generalize your findings and describe for which kind of problems decision trees are not suitable.
Create the decision tree by applying the divide-and-conquer approach on the restaurant examples.
Compare the naive tree with the tree gained by applying the divide-and-conquer heuristic. What differences do you see?.
Explain how decision trees can be used to create a learning agent. Relate your answers to the components outlined in the lecture notes.
We never test the same attribute twice along one path in a decision tree. Why not?
You want to teach a robot to recognize cat, using a set of features (the presence of blue eyes b
, stripe s
, or spot m
). You also have several pictures of dogs to use as negative examples. The following table summarizes the content of training samples. Each binary feature is represented as 1 (meaning the feature is present) or 0 (meaning it is absent). The subject of y
of the photo is encoded as 1 for cat or -1 for dog.
m |
b |
s |
Subject y |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 | -1 |
1 | 1 | 1 | -1 |
Two statisticians go to the doctor and are both given the same prognosis: A 40% chance that the problem is the deadly disease A, and a 60% chance of the fatal disease B. Fortunately, there are anti-A and anti-B drugs that are inexpensive, 100% effective, and free of side-effects. The statisticians have the choice of taking one drug, both, or neither.
What will the first statistician (an avid Bayesian) do? How about the second statistician, who always uses the maximum likelihood hypothesis?
The doctor does some research and discovers that disease B actually comes in two versions, dextro-B and levo-B, which are equally likely and equally treatable by the anti-B drug.
Now that there are three hypotheses, what will the two statisticians do?
The decision is a diagonal line, and all decision tree tests divide the space up into rectangular, axis-aligned boxes. We would have to stack a lot of boxes to closely approximate the diagonal line.
The selection is implemented by means of a choosing attribute test, which is based on information theory and measures the information gain from the attribute tests. For more details please refer to Russel and Norvig (2022, 681 ff)
Meaning that all paths in the tree will be short and the tree as a whole will be shallow
A tree that is too large risks overfitting the training data and poorly generalizing to new samples.
The training set is divided into two groups; 70% of the training set is used to build the tree, and the remaining 30% for validation; leading to three data sets (training, validation, test)
Pronounced “em-ay-pee”
Which is equal to maximizing \(P(d|h_i)P(h_i)\) or \(\ log P(d|h_i) + \log P(h_i)\)
Maximum likelihood is the “standard” (non-Bayesian) statistical learning method
MAP learning provides a natural embodiment of Ockham’s razor
1D for signals an sequences such as language, 2D for images or audio spectograms, 3D for video
Regulations such as the European GDPR require systems to provide explanations