Assignment ๐Ÿ“‘

SIM & AIDA Information Systems Research (ISR)

Andy Weeger

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

August 19, 2023


You will write a seminar paper that reflect your learning outcomes and help you to lay the foundations for your masterโ€™s thesis. The paper consists of following parts:

Research problem, literature stream, literature synthesis, theory & method


An paper that fulfills expectations has the following characteristics:

  • The research problem and its relevance is comprehensible
  • The goals of the research are clear
  • The research can be clearly assigned to a current conversation in research
  • The body of knowledge related to the research topic is sufficiently synthesized
  • The theoretical assumptions are sound and describe the phenomenon well
  • The theory work allows for a significant theoretical contribution
  • The research design is reflective and appropriate to the object of knowledge

Note: Compliance with formal requirements (see template) and good scientific practice are critical pass criteria for all parts, means that in case of non-compliance the exam is automatically failed (e.g., plagiarism, even light forms).



  1. Theory in design science research is used to inform both the design of the artifact as well as the design process used to derive the artifact.