Administrivia 🧐

IT as a Service Enabler (ITSE)

Andy Weeger

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

February 29, 2024

General remarks

The aspiration of working on one of my topics should be to produce a solid scientific paper (good chance to prepare for the bachelor thesis)

This requires you to work according to scientific standards (“good practices”) and, e.g., not to shift work to LLMs.

Important notes:

  • Effort: 5 ECTS (approx. 120 h)
  • Language of the paper: English
  • Template for the final paper: see here
  • Deadline: see Table 1


For more details on the topics, please see topics

  • Cyber security for industrial IoT (IIoT) (structured literature review)
  • Gamification as a strategy to promote sustainable behavior (structured literature review)
  • Models of human-AI collaboration in decision-making (structured literature review)

For detailed requirements and evaluation criteria see evaluation criteria


Seminar paper

Please use this template

  • The paper should be at least 10 pages long and must not exceed 15 pages (per student, excluding references)
  • The paper must be uploaded as PDF in Moodle (deadline announced on moodle)


You must attend at least the following meetings

  • Kick-off (for date see Table 1)
  • Review #1 (literature set, data analysis approach)
  • Review #2 (findings)
  • Interim presentation (for date see Table 1)
  • Review #3 (paper draft)

You are responsible for arranging the meetings (except the kick-off and the interim presentation) via calendly.

Paper structure

Please follow this generic structure (level 1), sub-sections can be defined individually.


Theoretical Background





The final paper is graded based on following criteria

Originality (passing criterion)
The paper complies with the rules of good scientific practice, plagiarism will not be accepted.
Logic & consistency (80%)
The red thread of the paper and the scientific approach is clearly recognizable and logically comprehensible.
Composition and formalities (20%)
The paper follows scientific standards concering literature use, structure and language.

Jump start

Your first task: get to know the literature (what is already known)

Focus on scientific literature (peer-reviewed, high quality)

  • Only scientific papers that are peer-reviewed
  • Concerning the theoretical part: no practitioner papers (e.g., white papers from consulting firms), no books, not web-sources, etc. 1
  • Recommendation is to focus the search on high-quality IS journals, such as
  • Use Web of Science or the journals’ archives to search for literature
  • Use EndNote to organize your literature

Next steps

  • Work through the literature review materials on Moodle
  • Explore your topic; identify key papers and extract definitions for the main concepts
  • Start your (structured) literature search (i.e., use my queries)
  • Get the full-texts of the identified articles
  • Organize the literature in EndNote
  • Start reading articles, begin with the two that are cited mostly
  • Write down what you have learned for your study (e.g., definitions, concepts, mechanisms)
  • Write down your questions for our next session
  • Arrange an appointment to discuss your literature and/or approach


When What Where
02.04.24, 2 pm Kick-off meeting A.1.58
04.06.24, 5 pm Interim presentations E5.1.09
01.07.24, 8 pm Deadline paper submission Moodle
Table 1: Schedule summer term 2024 (may be subjected to changes)



  1. Practitioner papers and web-sources are only valid for empirical papers using secondary sources (e.g., desk research)